Exhibition commissionership and scientific committee :
Antoinette ROMAIN, Claudie JUDRIN, Hélène PINET, curators at the Rodin museum, Paris
Frédérique THOMAS-MAURIN, curator at the Museum of fine Arts and Archaeology, Besançon

Production :
The exhibition "Victor Hugo vu par Rodin" is funded by the town of Besançon, the ministry of culture and communication /D.R.A.C. Franche-Comté, the general council of Doubs, the regional council of Franche-Comté, the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Doubs, the family benefits office of Besançon and the Action Fund for support and intergration against discrimination

Sponsorship :
This exhibition is sponsored by BNP Paribas Réseau Est

Website graphics developed by :

Website developed by :

3D creation :
Readymade Networks

Photography by :
to come...

Thanks to :
to come...

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